long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using
em Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and
Business value is usually determined by many factors which includes business age, revenue numbers, traffic, email lists, registered users, cash flow, current market trends and how quickly a buyer can get his return on investment.
In general, most websites are listed for a multiple between 1x-7x yearly EBITDA or Net Profit or SDE; or 20x-60x monthly profit, depending on 50+ different factors.
Rough valuation example:-
[Last 1 Year’ SDE/ EBITDA] x (1x to 7x) = Ideal Price
No, All business valuations you receive from BuySellEmpire is 100% Free, even if you choose not to sell your business with us.
BuySellEmpire offers one of the lowest success fees across industry. Our success fees are as low as 4% depending upon the size of the transaction. Our fees work on tier system based on the final sale price of your business.
To accept or reject a website for listing is always a tough decision. We receive many types of business sites on a daily basis. However, to help maintain the quality of our platform, we have designed a basic criterion for choosing the websites.
Being a leading marketplace for online businesses , we work hard to maintain the quality and ethics of our service. Our aim is to present high-quality and authentic businesses in front of our buyers. As a result, we can’t accept all the websites submitted to us.
To help improve our selection, we carry out a rigorous screening process where we examine the quality of a particular site. Here is a general criteria to get listed with us:-
BuySellEmpire is an established team of investment professionals, focused on buyouts and high growth internet equities. We have successfully sold businesses with a success rate of over 90%.
Our buyer’s list include range of people from different categories, countries, professions and lifestyles. It could be anyone who wants to buy an already developed business for additional future income and asset collection.
The list mostly includes entrepreneurs, private equity firms, investment firms, family houses, clubs, and individual investors active in the online industry.
Our buyer’s list include range of people from different categories, countries, professions and lifestyles. It could be anyone who wants to buy an already developed business for additional future income and asset collection.
The list mostly includes entrepreneurs, private equity firms, investment firms, family houses, clubs, and individual investors active in the online industry.
Our buyer’s list include range of people from different categories, countries, professions and lifestyles. It could be anyone who wants to buy an already developed business for additional future income and asset collection.
Yes, absolutely.
As a marketplace facilitating high value deals, we help buyers/sellers at every step throughout the sale process.
Our team will help you understand the process and will remain in your contact even on weekends during the listing period via email, skype or phone. You will be supported until the deal is successfully closed and you have received payment in your bank account.