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Dhanteras: The Festival of Wealth and Prosperity

Tour & Travel

Dhanteras: The Festival of Wealth and Prosperity

By - Tribazz

10 November, 2023

Dhanteras, also known as "Dhanatrayodashi" or "Dhanvantari Trayodashi," is a significant Hindu festival that marks the beginning of the grand festival of Diwali. Falling on the thirteenth day of the dark fortnight (Krishna Paksha) in the Hindu month of Kartik, Dhanteras is a celebration of wealth and prosperity. This festival holds immense cultural and spiritual importance for people across India, and it is a day filled with customs, rituals, and celebrations.

Significance of Dhanteras

  1. Worship of Lord Dhanvantari:

  2. Dhanteras is dedicated to Lord Dhanvantari, the physician of the Gods in Hindu mythology. He is believed to have brought Ayurveda, the ancient system of medicine, to humanity. People seek his blessings for good health and well-being on this day.


  4. Welcoming Wealth:

  5. The word "Dhanteras" itself is derived from two words: "Dhan," which means wealth, and "Teras," which means the thirteenth day. It is considered highly auspicious to make new purchases, particularly of gold or silver items, on this day. It is believed that buying something new brings prosperity into the household.


  7. Beginning of Diwali:

  8. Dhanteras signifies the commencement of the five-day Diwali festival. It is followed by Naraka Chaturdashi (Choti Diwali), Diwali (the festival of lights), Govardhan Puja, and Bhai Dooj. The festival is a time for families to come together, celebrate, and exchange gifts.

Customs and Traditions

  1. Cleaning and Decorating:

  2. In the days leading up to Dhanteras, homes are thoroughly cleaned, and decorations are put up. Rangoli designs and colorful motifs adorn the entrance to invite good fortune.


  4. Shopping for Precious Metals:

  5. It is customary to buy gold or silver items, including coins, jewelry, or utensils, on Dhanteras. These are considered symbols of wealth and are kept in the home temple.


  7. Lighting Lamps and Diyas:

  8. Lighting lamps and diyas (earthen oil lamps) is an integral part of Dhanteras. The glow of these lights is believed to ward off darkness and evil forces.


  10. Offering Prayers:

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